
05 novembre 2018

MEDPOL: Digitalisation as a Key to Anchor Economic Growth and Modernise Public Services

On Monday 5 November 2018, CEEP General Secretary Valeria Ronzitti addressed the Macro-Economic Dialogue, in presence of Mario Centeno, ECB President, Valdis...

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16 ottobre 2018

TSS: CEEP President Katherina Reiche Highlights Priorities for Employers and Providers of Public Services and SGIs

At the Tripartite Social Summit, CEEP President Katherina Reiche addressed the President of the European Council Donald Tusk, the President of the European Commission...

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12 settembre 2018

Political, Pragmatic, Prospective: CEEP Welcomes Juncker’s Last State of the European Union

Reacting to the final “State of the European Union” speech by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, CEEP General Secretary Valeria Ronzitti commented:...

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19 luglio 2018

CEEP on the Challenges and Opportunities of Digitalized Labour Markets at the Informal ESPCO

At the informal ESPCO in Vienna, Walter Marschitz, CEO of SWOE (Sozialwirtschaft Österreich) representing VÖEWG (Verband der öffentlichen Wirtschaft...

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19 luglio 2018

CEEP Policy Kit – Austrian Presidency

CEEP Policy Kit with regards to the Austrian Presidency of the European Union (July-December2018).

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20 giugno 2018

“Promoting social partnership in employee training” – Final report

Joint Social Partners’ Final Report “Promoting social partnership in employee training” Key summary Rapid labour market changes such as...

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01 giugno 2018

Valeria Ronzitti re-elected unanimously as General Secretary

On the 1st June, CEEP held its statutory meetings, with members of the Administration Council, General Assembly, as well as the chairs and vice-chairs of boards and...

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01 giugno 2018

CEEP Activity Report 2017

CEEP Activity Report 2017 was presented on the 1st June to the members of the General Assembly, the Administration Council and CEEP Members during our statutory...

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02 maggio 2018

The Commission’s Pragmatic Approach for the MFF Must Include a Strong Cohesion Policy

The European Commission has unveiled today its proposal for the upcoming EU Multiannual Financial Framework. Commenting on the proposal, Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP...

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26 aprile 2018

European Commission Proposal for a Review of the PSI Directive Risks Hindering Innovation and Investments in Public Services

Following the presentation of the European Commission’s Data Package 2018 [on 25 April], CEEP General Secretary Valeria Ronzitti commented on the proposal for a...

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23 aprile 2018

CEEP-eurelectric-IETA-EFET Statement on improved transparency of interactions between EU carbon market and climate and energy policies

CEEP, together with eurelectric , IETA and EFET , presented a joint statement on improved transparency of interactions between the EU’s carbon market and...

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23 marzo 2018

CEEP Joins Forces with European Committee of the Regions by Signing up to the #CohesionAlliance

Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the European Committee of the Regions, and Thierry Durnerin, chair of CEEP Public Services Board, signing the #CohesionAlliance...

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