
29 giugno 2017

Public Services Summit 2017: Speech of EU Commission VP Dombrovskis

Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commission Vice-President for Social Dialogue and the Euro, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets...

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28 giugno 2017

Activity Report 2016

CEEP Activity Report 2016 is now available

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28 giugno 2017

Public Services Summit 2017: Opening statement of Katherina Reiche, CEEP President

Check against delivery. Dear President Tusk, Dear Commissioners, Dear members, Dear participants, On behalf of CEEP members, and the whole...

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07 giugno 2017

CEEP Joins an alliance to campaign in support of European cooperation and democracy

CEEP, together with a group of organisations representing civil society, trade unions, business, local authorities and companies, presented today (7 June 2017) a new...

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31 maggio 2017

CEEP First Reaction to the Reflection Paper on the Deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union

The European Commission presented today [31th May 2017] its reflection paper on the Deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union. This is for CEEP one of the most...

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30 maggio 2017

EU Social Partners Statement on tapping the potential from greening the economy for jobs creation

We, the European Social Partners, ACKNOWLEDGE that we are at a critical juncture for the European Union concerning growth and quality job creation, as the...

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23 maggio 2017

CEEP at the EU Dialogue on Skills and Migration – Integrating Refugees and Other Migrants into the Labour Market

Speech by CEEP General Secretary at the European Dialogue on Skills and Migration – Integrating Refugees and Other Migrants into the Labour Market (23 May 2017)...

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26 aprile 2017

Employers of Public Services and of SGIs React to the Commission “Social Package”

The package published today by the European Commission does not come as a surprise, as it is the result of months of intense consultations and the follow-up to the...

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24 marzo 2017

In Rome, CEEP Renewed its Commitment to Foster a Strong Social Europe

CEEP took part on Friday 24 March in an Extraordinary Meeting between EU Social Partners and EU Institutions in Rome, opening the celebrations for the 60th...

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24 marzo 2017

Joint Statement of the EU Social Partners for the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

The European social partners gathered in Rome on the invitation of the Italian government, the Maltese Presidency, the Presidencies of the European Council and...

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08 marzo 2017

CEEP at the Tripartite Social Summit on the Future of Europe

At the Tripartite Social Summit, in presence of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Council President Donald Tusk and Maltese Prime Minister Joseph...

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