
15 dicembre 2016

CEEP-EuroChambres event “Creating Inclusive Digital Eco-systems”

On 14 December 2016, CEEP and EUROCHAMBRES organised a roundtable event entitled “Creating Inclusive Digital Eco-systems”. This gathered...

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14 novembre 2016

25 Providers of Public Services Awarded with the CEEP CSR Label

On 14 November 2016, 25 enterprises providing public services and services of general interests have been awarded the CEEP CSR Label. The awarding ceremony was held...

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07 novembre 2016

“Innovative Public investment to Boost Economic Growth”, said CEEP at MEDPOL

At the Macroeconomic Dialogue, CEEP called today for boosting private and public investment in Europe. CEEP and the EU social partners welcomed the renewal and...

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20 ottobre 2016

CEEP Messages for the Tripartite Social Summit

On behalf of European employers and providers of public services, Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP General Secretary, and Joseph Farrugia, CEO of the Malta Employers’...

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18 ottobre 2016

Joint Statement of the EU Social Partners for the Tripartite Social Summit

Europe is faced with unprecedented economic, social and political challenges. These challenges – insufficient competitiveness, lack of growth and...

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12 ottobre 2016

CEEP Calls for Investing in Social Infrastructures at the EU Week of Regions and Cities

On 12 October, CEEP took part in the European Week of Regions and Cities, organised by the Committee of Regions. Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP General Secretary, addressed...

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14 settembre 2016

State of the Union & EFSI 2.0: Call for more Investments in Social Infrastructures

CEEP welcomes and supports the vision and agenda for the next 12 months presented today by Jean-Claude Juncker during the State of the Union. We indeed believe that...

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15 luglio 2016

CEEP Policy Kit – Slovak Presidency

CEEP Policy Kit, presenting the position of the association regarding the priorities of the Slovak Presidency of the Council

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05 luglio 2016

CEEP Messages at the Conference “Promoting and Reinforcing the EU Social Dialogue”

During one of the panels of the conference “Promoting and Reinforcing the EU Social Dialogue” organised by the EU cross-industry social partners, Milena...

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27 giugno 2016

CEEP Messages on the Quadripartite Statement “A New Start for Social Dialogue”

At the signing ceremony of the quadripartite statement on the Relaunch of Social Dialogue (co-signed by the European Commission, the European Council, CEEP,...

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24 giugno 2016

CEEP Comments on the Results of the UK Referendum

Commenting on the results of the UK referendum on EU membership, Katherina Reiche, President of CEEP, and Valeria Ronzitti, General Secretary, said: “Today...

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14 giugno 2016

Increasing the National Ownership of Structural Reforms, says CEEP at MEDPOL

CEEP addressed today the second Macro Economic Dialogue at Political Level organized under the Netherlands Presidency. “Public services’ employers...

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