
16 marzo 2016

EU Employers & trade union agree on refugee crisis, digitalisation & social dialogue

Please find below links to: Joint statements on: Refugee crisis – Joint statement of the EU economic and social partners (CEEP, ETUC,...

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09 marzo 2016

Pillar of Social Rights: Good Intentions, Wrong Procedure

CEEP broadly welcomes the first preliminary outline of a Pillar of Social Rights launched by the European Commission. Such proposal could have the potential to level...

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11 febbraio 2016

CEEP Addresses EU Macroeconomic Policies

At the Macroeconomic Dialogue at Political Level organized by the European Council, CEEP General Secretary Valeria Ronzitti presented public services employers’...

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03 febbraio 2016

CEEP Policy Kit – Dutch Presidency

CEEP Policy Kit, presenting the position of the association regarding the priorities of the Dutch Presidency of the Council.

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03 febbraio 2016

TiSA: Safeguard of Public Services set as Red Line in EU Trade Agreements

Joint press release by CEEP, Social Platform, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)...

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19 gennaio 2016

CEEP welcomes the INTA report on TiSA

Reacting to the adoption of the draft European Parliament’s recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Trade in Services Agreement...

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14 gennaio 2016

CEEP’s Comments on Draft Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Regulation

Ahead of the consideration of the draft report on the conclusion of an Interinstitutional Agremeent on Better Law-Making tomorrow in the AFCO committee, CEEP...

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21 dicembre 2015

CEEP-CSR Label 2016 – A New Start

CEEP launched today (21 December 2015) the 2016 edition of the CEEP-CSR Label. All providers of public services can apply for the Label, which aims at awarding...

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02 dicembre 2015

CEEP calls for swift implementation of Circular Economy Strategy

CEEP welcomes the European Commission’s Circular Economy Strategy. It is in line with the Commission’s principle of better regulation and sets the right...

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27 novembre 2015

CEEP Calls for Ambitious, Binding and Regularly-Reviewed COP21 Agreement

Ahead of the COP 21 in Paris, CEEP calls for the conclusion of an ambitious, binding and regularly reviewed agreement, tackling both mitigation and adaptation....

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27 novembre 2015

CEEP Welcomes the Continuity in AGS Priorities

CEEP welcomes the publication of the 2016 Annual Growth Survey (AGS) which has the tremendous task to actively contribute to strengthening the recovery while...

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26 novembre 2015

CEEP Priorities on the Implementation of the Energy Union presented to Vice-President Šefčovič

During the second consultation of the cross-sectoral social partners on the Energy Union by Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, Valeria Ronzitti,...

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