
15 luglio 2015

The first concrete steps towards the Energy Union

Following the presentation of the Energy Union Summer Package by Maroš Šefčovič (Commission Vice-President for the Energy Union) and Miguel Arias...

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14 luglio 2015

EU employers’ organisations and trade unions agree on a work programme 2015-2017 and joint In-depth EU employment analysis

The EU social partners’ fifth autonomous work programme, a “Partnership for Inclusive Growth and Employment”, sets the course for EU social...

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13 luglio 2015

CEEP comments on Greece at MEDPOL

Addressing the Macroeconomic Dialogue earlier today, Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP General Secretary, stated the following on the compromise on Greece: It is not for...

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08 luglio 2015

Provision of public services in the EU should not be threatened by TTIP

Following the vote of the European Parliament on the recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment...

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30 giugno 2015

Public services providers and employers restate their support to the European project

At the very time when the European Union is at a crossroads, CEEP wants to restate its full commitment to the European project and commit to “doing its...

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24 giugno 2015

EFSI is a first step to close the European investment gap

CEEP welcomes the adoption of the EFSI regulation by the European Parliament, a few weeks following the Council’s approval. The Investment Plan can now become...

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23 giugno 2015

A good start for involving the social partners in implementing the Energy Union

“We welcome the fact that the European Commission decided to consult with the social partners on the Energy Union”, commented Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP...

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28 maggio 2015

CEEP Welcomes the report of the INTA Committee on TTIP

Reacting to today’s vote by the International Trade (INTA) Committee of the European Parliament on the draft report of the Parliament’s recommendations to...

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26 maggio 2015

Opening speech of the PSS, by Hans-Joachim Reck, CEEP President

Dear Vice-President Katainen, Dear Mr. Stantič, Dear Mr. Lahti, Dear Bernadette Ségol, Dear Milena and Tom, Dear CEEP-Members, Ladies and...

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21 maggio 2015

Reinvesting in Europe: Investing in Public Services

“We have deconstructed the ‘inefficient and ineffective public services’ dogma declared Valeria Ronzitti at the end of the 2nd edition of the Public...

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20 maggio 2015

Valeria Ronzitti, re-elected as General Secretary

Ms Valeria Ronzitti was re-elected as General Secretary of CEEP during the General Assembly held on 20 May 2015. Ms Ronzitti has been elected for this position in...

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19 maggio 2015

CEEP committed to support EU Better Regulation

Public services employers and providers welcome the European Commission package on Better Regulation. Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP General Secretary said: “The...

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