
18 novembre 2015

State of the energy union: an Important Step towards Reliability and a Decarbonised EU Economy

Commenting on the presentation of the first State of the Energy Union by European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, CEEP General Secretary...

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29 ottobre 2015

Public services’ employers and providers welcome the draft report on TiSA

Public Services , also known in EU law as Services of General Interest (SGIs) , are services whose provider is entrusted by a public authority (national,...

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28 ottobre 2015

Internal Market Strategy and the implementation of the Public Procurement Package

On the new EU Single Market Strategy, CEEP expects it to underpin the creation of a more investment-friendly environment by focusing on the implementation and...

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27 ottobre 2015

Keeping the focus on delivery: European Commission on the right path

Commenting on the publication of the European Commission Work Programme 2016, CEEP General Secretary Valeria Ronzitti welcomed the emphasis on the delivery stressed...

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15 ottobre 2015

Public Services’ Providers: Our Contribution for Convergence and Inclusion

Hans-Joachim Reck, CEEP President, expressed the view of public services employers at the autumn 2015 Tripartite Social Summit. He insisted in his speech on two key...

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08 ottobre 2015

Public Services’ Providers: Making the Business Case for Sustainability

CEEP organises this Thursday a conference on the contribution of public services’ providers to the success of the COP21 and to a more sustainable economy....

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30 settembre 2015

CMU: A Tool to Unlock Investments in Infrastructures

CEEP welcomes the publication of the Action Plan on building a Capital Markets Union, aiming at boosting funding to enterprises and remove barriers to investment...

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16 settembre 2015

Training and promotion of Social Dialogue for Czech public services

CEEP organized on 15 September its opening seminar for the project “Training and Promotion of Social Dialogue measures for Public Services”, in...

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09 settembre 2015

CEEP supports Juncker’s recipe for a genuine EU answer to the refugee crisis

Following President Juncker’s speech on the refugee crisis during the State of the European Union, CEEP President Hans-Joachim Reck and CEEP General-Secretary...

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28 agosto 2015

Launch of call for tender on improving implementation of EU autonomous agreements

The European social partner organisations BUSINESSEUROPE, CEEP, UEAPME and ETUC are calling for tender submissions to conduct expertise work on “promoting...

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17 luglio 2015

CEEP addresses the EU Ministers for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

« The first concrete steps towards the Energy Union CEEP Policy Kit – Luxembourg Presidency » CEEP addresses the EU Ministers for...

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